Find out which foster homes had a foster start within a defined time period.
The Foster Home Report will generate a report of all People who had an entered foster start date within a time frame of your choosing. Please note that this means the only People pulled into this report are those who were saved as the pet's foster location during this period.
Video Tutorial:
Step by Step:
First navigate to the Reporting tab inside Pawlytics and click Downloadable CSV Reports
Scroll down to Misc Reports to find the Foster Home Report and click Generate Report
The report you generate will pull the following information:
Pet Data | People Data | Partner Data |
First Name | ||
Last Name | ||
Phone | ||
Street 1 | ||
Street 2 | ||
City | ||
State | ||
Country | ||
Zip Code | ||
Number of foster pets* | ||
Number of unique fosters** |
*The number of foster pets will include pets that were fostered more than once.
For example: if Jane began fostering pet Fig on January 12th, 2023, Fig was adopted sometime in February but was returned to recue and Jane began fostering Fig again on March 3rd, 2023 → this column will count Fig twice in a report generated for all of 2023.
**The number of unique fosters will show the number of unique pets fostered in the defined time period.
In the same example of Jane and Fig, this column would only count Fig once.