AKC Reunite & Pawlytics Partnership

Our preferred microchip registration partner, AKC Reunite, provides peace of mind to your rescue by automatically registering pets' microchips at adoption, and also keeping your rescue as a contact for life.

For steps on turning on your AKC Reunite microchip registration in Pawlytics, click here!

1. Who is AKC Reunite? The way home for lost pets

AKC Reunite is the nation’s largest non-profit pet microchip and recovery service. Like us, their mission includes being completely accessible for animal rescues and pet owners alike, by being both affordable and simple to purchase and register your pets’ microchips.

Celebrating 28 years in service this year, AKC Reunite is a dedicated microchip and recovery service. That means this is their only purpose, so they operate in-house without adding any confusing third parties into the mix. With 3 regional representatives, you as an animal rescue or you as a pet owner know exactly who to contact and how to make sure your pets’ microchips are being registered. They are your faithful partners in setting up your animal rescue so you will always know if and when a pet gets lost, surrendered, or found and returned safely home.

“The whole landscape has changed where the rescue organization is not always part of the process,” says Dallas Harsa, VP of sales and marketing, “we’re very rescue friendly with options to lock your information as a primary or alternate contact.”

AKC Reunite proves their level of service by offering multiple avenues to reach your dedicated representative via phone, text, or email Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time.  And, if you ever have a lost pet emergency, you can reach a member of their Reuniters Helpline anytime at (800) 252-7894, 24-7-365 (366 every 4 years 😉).

AKC Reunite - Pawlytics Contacts 2023

We are proud to partner with AKC Reunite because, like Pawlytics, they are an organization that supports and celebrates the human-animal bond. By keeping microchipping and enrollment affordable, they know more pets will be able to find their way home. Going above and beyond, AKC Reunite is a 501c3 that to date, has already given back over $11 million to support their rescue initiatives and helped bring home over 650,000 pets! Click here to read about a surprising twist when lost cat, Sushi, was found after almost 2 years!

2. What does this mean for my rescue?

After speaking with, you, the Pawlytics Customers, we know finding ways to easily manage microchip registrations is a must. We have chosen AKC Reunite as a preferred partner for these reasons: 

  • Every rescue gets a dedicated regional representative 
  • Keeping your rescue's name on the microchip
  • Access to your rescue hub dashboard where you can verify registration in minutes
  • Record of unused purchased microchips
  • Exclusive Pawlytics discount on microchips
  • Pawlytics Rebate on EVERY AKC Reunite microchip purchase

3. Why is AKC Reunite the preferred microchipping partner of Pawlytics? 

AKC Reunite is a preferred Pawlytics partner because they support the development of the Pawlytics software, which in turn, allows your rescue to benefit from an exclusive rebate. When you use the coupon code PAWLYTICS123 not only are you saving 50% off on microchips, but you are also qualified for a 50¢ rebate on every microchipped purchased! This means if you purchase a 25-count box of microchips with included enrollment, you will receive a $12.50 credit on your Pawlytics account!

Make sure your pets find their way home by signing up for AKC Reunite and help your rescue with every AKC Reunite microchip purchase!
