View a person's adoption and foster history

Track the pets a person has adopted and/or fostered. Here's how to view this information.

Each person in your database will have an 'Adoption History' and 'Foster History' tabs in their profile section. To view a person's adoption and/or foster history, navigate to the 'People' tab and then click on the person you want to view. 

Once in the person's profile, you will see the' Adoption History' and 'Foster History' tabs. Click on the 'Adoption History' tab to view the pets they have adopted and the date they were adopted.

Under 'Adoption History' you will be able to see the pets adopted by this person and the date they were adopted.

Clicking on the pet's card will take you to the pet's profile. To get back to the person's profile, click the back button or navigate to 'Income/Outcome' and click on the person's name to go back into their profile. 

Back in the person's profile, you can navigate to the 'Foster History' tab to see their foster pets that have been or are in their care. Pets that are in their care will show the foster start date and be blank under 'Foster End'. Pets that have left this person's foster care will have an end date when the pet was moved to a different location or had an outcome.