Petcademy & Pawlytics Partnership

Caring for the animals in your rescue doesn't end once they are adopted. Passing the baton to new owners is much smoother with training video courses to help. Here are some frequently asked questions about Petcademy!

Learn about Petcademy directly from Bailey, co-founder of Petcademy!

1. Who is Petcademy and what does this mean for my rescue?

Petcademy offers customized training for adopters, fosters, and pet parents with over 70 animated lessons and certified trainer support. Their mission is to create a world where no animal is surrendered due to behavioral problems. 

What this team-up means for you, is that you now have another resource in your toolbelt to help new adopters. By joining Petcademy, you are able to offer pet parents training and behavioral support for their animals. As a result, you see a reduction in returns by being able to provide support to flustered adopters and fosters. 

"Petcademy allows small organizations like mine to have their own 'behavior team' to assist adopters and communities."
Cole Wakefield - Executive Director @ Good Shepard Humane Society

2. Can I see an example of the Petcademy courses?

Absolutely! We highly encourage you to follow the links below and enroll in the free course. 


3. How do I know what information Petcademy is sharing with my adopters and fosters?

Like us, Petcademy believes in transparency. Your rescue will have a dashboard where you will have full visibility of the information being sent to your adopters, fosters, and pet parents. When someone messages your rescue's Petcademy number, you'll receive an email notification of a new task for review. These tasks show the conversation between Petcademy and adopters, fosters, and pet parents. 


Here is an example of the Petcademy dashboard your rescue would have. This highlighted section displays the tasks for your review.


4. What credentials do the dog trainers and behavioralists at Petcademy have?

All Petcademy trainers and behavioral consultants are SFTD-CTP, CPDT-KA, FFCP, or KPA-CTP certified. They exclusively recommend fear-free, positive-reinforcement based training tactics.

5. What is the cost?

When you sign up with Petcademy, mention Pawlytics and you'll receive an exclusive partnership discount! This internationally-available service will be lowered to $59/month (paid annually,) for rescues with an average of 25 adoptions per month. 

6. How long can adopters and fosters use Petcademy?

Pet parents will receive 30 days starting from the moment they adopt where they will receive a message asking if they want to opt-in to Petcademy or not. They are free to then message any time they need support in bringing a new family member home, Petcademy will also reach out to pet parents weekly to check in. 

Across the platform, approximately 45% of adopters will engage over the 30-day period. Engagement is counted when someone asks a question, completes a course, or responds to a weekly check-in.

7. How do I sign up?

Easily sign up by emailing Petcademy Founder Bailey (, that you are a Pawlytics user interested in signing up for Petcademy. If you still aren’t positive that Petcademy is the right fight for you, she would love to take you through a quick 15-minute walkthrough of the platform.