Can I export my people list for emailing?

Yes, you can easily export your people list as a spreadsheet that you can then use to apply additional filtering, run custom reports, or upload to your marketing platform.

Once you've navigated to the People tab at the top of your Pawlytics, you can apply filters using the city, state, or user tags if you want to export a filtered people list. 

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 2.03.23 PM

After applying any filters, click the teal text button "Download List as CSV". From the pop-up, click the teal button to download the CSV to your computer. 

Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 2.35.36 PMScreenshot 2023-10-11 at 2.36.44 PM

CSV stands for Comma Separated Value so you are able to open the file in Excel, Number, or Google Sheets.