Can I add important contacts to my partner profiles?

Yes you can! You can add people already in your account or add new ones to each of your partner profiles. Learn how to below!

To add people to your partner profiles, first navigate to the "Partners" section of your account and click on the partner you want to add a contact to. 

Next, under the "Primary Contacts" section click "Add".

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This will open a box for you to add an existing person or add a new one. Start typing the person's name. If they are in your account, their name will pop up for you to click on. 

If they are not already in your account, you'll just need to click the blue highlighted "Create" line to add a new person. You will then be able to enter their contact information and save their new profile. 

After you have your person selected, you will need to choose their role. At this time, you can choose either "Vet" or "Primary Contact". Then click "Add Contact".

This will add your selected person as a "Primary Contact" in this partner's profile. Their phone number and email will be displayed to easily access their contact information. Their name will also be a link to their profile!